When will I accept that I am not a winter person? It is freezing outside. I mean, really, really freezing. It has been snowing several times a week for the last eight weeks ... and it is still January! And I can't get my head around the fact that this cold will be with us for at least another eight, maybe twelve more weeks! So, why do I still leave here? Good question, since I always seem drawn to warmer places, surrounded by sea. And since states of readiness ... but somehow, summer got in the way of finishing them, as I found myself less and less drawn to the computer and more and more drawn to the outdoors, friends and family. I am sure that I will start posting the stories very shortly (once I have worked out how to copyright them!) Today was such a glorious day that I did finally feel compelled to come back to the computer to reflect on the seasons. The balmy weather and bright autumn sunshine made me realize that I have to savour it. The first day of fall has alre...