Travel Tales Part IV - The Karmic Kickback

There are benefits and drawbacks to travelling solo. Depending on where you are in your life-journey, sometimes your benefit IS your drawback. For example, you get to spend a lot of time with yourself - alone, with no distractions. So you had better have a good relationship with you. Lucky for me, I have been working on my relationship with me for a while. One of the pacts that I made with myself prior to leaving on my November trip was that I would try not to stress out over things that I could not control and to only plan enough of an itinerary to ensure that I got to where I was going safely. Then, I promised myself that I would leave the rest up to fate and simply go with the flow. This plan definitely worked out and I am so glad that I get along with me. You see, in recounting this one, of many adventures that I experienced during my November excursion into the Caribbean, I left out one minor detail: The "lucky-seven" combo seemed to follow me around for about 24 hour...