Travel Tales Part IV - The Karmic Kickback

There are benefits and drawbacks to travelling solo. Depending on where you are in your life-journey, sometimes your benefit IS your drawback. For example, you get to spend a lot of time with yourself - alone, with no distractions. So you had better have a good relationship with you. Lucky for me, I have been working on my relationship with me for a while. One of the pacts that I made with myself prior to leaving on my November trip was that I would try not to stress out over things that I could not control and to only plan enough of an itinerary to ensure that I got to where I was going safely. Then, I promised myself that I would leave the rest up to fate and simply go with the flow. This plan definitely worked out and I am so glad that I get along with me.
You see, in recounting this one, of many adventures that I experienced during my November excursion into the Caribbean, I left out one minor detail: The "lucky-seven" combo seemed to follow me around for about 24 hours = Seven strangers in a cab from the Piarco, Port-of-Spain, dinner at 7:00 p.m. in St. Anne's ... and here's the kicker ... the 7:20 a.m. flight from Port-of-Spain bound for Grenada left early. Yep, you guessed it ... it took off promptly at 7:00 a.m. No joke! Tripple Sevens indeed ... my St. Kitts ticket angel knew what she was talkin' about ... and breakfast in Trinidad simply was "not in the cards."
You see, in recounting this one, of many adventures that I experienced during my November excursion into the Caribbean, I left out one minor detail: The "lucky-seven" combo seemed to follow me around for about 24 hours = Seven strangers in a cab from the Piarco, Port-of-Spain, dinner at 7:00 p.m. in St. Anne's ... and here's the kicker ... the 7:20 a.m. flight from Port-of-Spain bound for Grenada left early. Yep, you guessed it ... it took off promptly at 7:00 a.m. No joke! Tripple Sevens indeed ... my St. Kitts ticket angel knew what she was talkin' about ... and breakfast in Trinidad simply was "not in the cards."
One last thought: the irony of the whole thing was that it was my mother's birthday on the 16th and I just wanted to get to my hotel early in the day, so that I could sit down and give her a call and have a bit of a chat with her, since I had forgotten to get her a gift or even a card before I left Toronto. I did manage to call her from Trinidad perhaps around 3:30 in the afternoon, or so. When I explained that I might be stranded in Port-of-Spain overnight, her response to me was "well at least it is not snowing there, so take out your credit card and get a nice room somewhere ... then go out and have a nice dinner ... I hear they make good curried goat in Trinidad, so why don't you order some for dinner and enjoy it for my birthday?" Funny thing, I hate goat. Guess what I had for dinner that night? And, I am happy to report, it was delicious!