If it ain't broke ... break it!

I wanted to post a photo of something that happened in St. Kitts. But it seems to have gone to computer chip heaven along with some of my missing Anguilla photos. So, after I left Anguilla, I met up with my friends, "Mr. & Mrs. _eh," in St. Martin, and we flew to St. Kitts on one those wonderful LIAT puddle-jumpers. I rented a car there too. Then I proceeded to do my very best to break it. I even had a "mug-shot" of the evidence ... me holding a piece of what was left of the license plate after I plowed into a low wall, in the hotel parking area. Unfortunately, the photo was taken with my Samsung Ace phone, which died recently, before I remembered to retrieve my photos. With a dead camera, you would think I would have ensured that my phone-photos were well saved, backed up, whatever. But NO!

Anyway, I guess today, I started thinking about my weird "equipment karma", that seems to extend all the way from kars to cell phones, to PC's. And I can't believe that I managed to drive all over Anguilla with no mishaps (aside from driving around in circles, which was actually quite a pleasant experiece), but when I reached St. Kitts, where I had all manner of friends around me, I managed to do about $500 damage to a lovely rental car ... AND, as luck (?) would have it, it was the same car that I had rented a few years earlier. The one whose keys I managed to lose on a beach in Nevis. Ah, but that is a story for another time. I need to finish up with Anguilla first.

Still, a thought keeps niggling at me ... what was the car rental fellow thinking when he let me rent the same vehicle? Didn't he know if it ain't broke, MsJilly will find a way to break it? Thank goodness for insurance. And plastic bumpers. Not so much the plastic licence plates. If they were like the ones here at home, I would have saved the insurance about $40. That sucker snapped right in half!

So the photo I have included here is not of the vehicle I have the karmic relationship with, but of a different kind of karma kar ...

... this is the last thing I saw, right before midnight on the day of a milestone birthday, during a different trip to St. Kitts. It had been a long an interesting day, full of ups and downs ... but it certainly ended on a high note. And I have the photographic proof!


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