How long will summer keep holding on?

Greetings from the land of perpetual summer!  OK, clearly I am exaggerating, but considering that we had almost no major cold snaps or very much snow last winter ... and that the first heatwave of the season happened in March, it has begun to feel as though we have had more than 6 full months of summer!  Right here in Ontario!

Now all this wonderful weather has actually paid havoc with the environment, including right here in my front and back gardens ... and I know that parts of the US and Canada are dealing with the worst droughts since the 1950's, but for the most part, the average Torontonian has been enjoying this weather.  Me?  Not so much.  Don't get me wrong, I like sunshine, but it's just been a little too much sweat-weather as opposed to sweater-weather for me.

I am actually looking forward to winter, so that I can layer on some clothing, because lets face it, when it's hot and sticky out, and you are down to your lightest cotton garb with not much underneath, you might get arrested for taking off that last layer of clothing!  I doubt I will get too many crazy looks, nor will anyone be calling 911 just because I put a sweater and coat on!

I will miss my time spent gardening, and walking the lakefront trails, once winter rolls around ... but I took a few photos to get me through winter ...

Some are from my garden ... the rest are from around town.  Nary a city picture in sight ... just little bits of nature ...

I love it when geese stop traffic in the suburbs!


Ellen said…
Beautiful pictures Jilly, thanks for posting. For me, I am hoping summer hangs around until at least November, the cold here is brutal.
Thanks for your time.
Ellen Las Vegas
Nichelina & Co said…
Hi Ellen! Thanks for continuing to follow my ramblings. There's a part 2 to this, but I guess you all have figured out that it takes me forever to get around to posting. I never even got around to doing part 2 of the last St. Kitts trip. LOL.

I can't believe that the cold gets brutal in your part of the world, but then again, nobody would have believed how mild our winter was last year! Take care, and who knows, we may meet up "somewhere with palm trees and indigo seas" one day!

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