An Authentic North American Saint for Our Times?

Though I am pretty much agnostic nowadays, I spent the first 5 years of my academic life in Catholic elementary school. And, I recall fondly that one of my favourite stories, told by the Sisters of St. Joseph, was that of Lily of the Mohawks.
I don't know why, but I always felt that she was my big sister and protector ... Sometimes I think it was because she was rebellious and defiant.

These days, I think her story might have been a sort of Catholic marketing tool of the times, used to further the cause of colonization by showing other Aboriginal people that she found refuge in Christianity/Catholicism. But those were different times, and the context was what it was, and I am not here today to do a critical reflection on oppression per se.

What I am reflecting on, even as an agnostic, is the deeply moving, spiritual implications for many communities, of the events unfolding this weekend.

This is the first ever First Nation saint, after how many centuries of colonization?

Perhaps she will be the one that unifies not just First Nations, but all of us on both sides of the 49th parallel, regardless of religion, creed, race, ethnicity. There is beauty in Lily/Kateri that has stayed with me my whole life. I hope some of you will allow yourselves to be moved by her. 

Ironically, she has not brought me back to the Church. Her story, rather, has made me ashamed of not knowing or embracing the true heritage of our lands - that of our Aboriginal hosts. I truly believe Kateri Tekakwitha can move us towards healing ...


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