
"Better to light one small candle, than to curse the darkness" ~ Chinese proverb

We have come to expect the world of technology to bend to our bidding. Then when technology fails us (cars, tv, internet, IPhones ... etc.), we act as thought it is the end of the world. Like our very lives depended on staying "connected" via digital pathways.Whatever happened to remembering to take things in stride and simply show gratitude for the privileged times we live in? And the privileged place in the world that we occupy?  

Not long ago, I got a little testy when my BB crashed, and when my car's computer technology had a major hiccup. 

That was yesterday.  In the past. This morning I awoke remembering that there are places in the world where parents aren't able to guarantee their kids sufficient food today, and who probably don't even own "one small candle" ... and I am saying a huge prayer of gratitude for all that I have been blessed with, including all the things that are breaking down and need fixing. 

Grateful. I am grateful. And my heart is free to choose how it perceives today.


I like your new format here, Ms Jilly.

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