Nevis is Nice

These photos were taken around my cottage at Oualie Beach Resort - not so much a resort, but more a collection of ginger-bread cottages on a nice stretch of beach with shallow, warm waters, a pier for boating and water-sport activities, an in-house sea-creature attraction-educational facility-"turtle-camp", and a terrifically laid-back and funky, yet decidedly, old-world Caribbean restaurant and bar. On day one, check-in was early and I decided to forego the plans to tour around Nevis for the day and drop in on old friends around Pinney's Beach, because I could not tear myself away from this place and the haunting view of St. Kitts's South East Peninsula across the narrows!  It seems like a long time ago now, but it was spring, 2009!  Much has changed in my life since then, and this is still where I'd rather be!


Been in exactly the same place - maybe even the same cottage. It is so tranquil and beautiful and peaceful. Enjoy! It's 67ยบ here just up the ocean from you. I did a 3-mile walk on my beach this morning. So just a buch of water separating us from each other.
Nichelina & Co said…
Oh, Re - I wish I was there - this is old stuff. I'm well stuck in Canada right now. When I was back in grad school (very) recently, I took the blog off line, and was tinkering with formats. Some of my posts ended up getting switched around, date-wise. The most recent post was from September, 2011. As for vacation plans, I don't know when I'll bet back. Right now, I am debating between Anguilla, Nevis (St. Kitts is losing its lustre for me) and paying off my school and business debts! LOL ...

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