Hiccups and announcements ...

This blog seems to be experiencing a bit of a hiccup - - while trying to experiment with different formats, some of my old posts were transported forward to the present date (or a few days ago, at least).  Not sure what happened.

This leads me to my announcement ... you see, the reason for all this experimenting, is that I have finally decided to launch the other blog ... the one I mentioned about 2 years ago that would be focussed on well-being, among other, more specific topics.   For now, there is not much on it.  The initial focus will be on food allergies and sensitivities, gluten-free "trial and error" living, and the occasional foray into a recipe or two, interspersed with (what I hope will be) some helpful information on coping with chronic health "hiccups."

So, without further dawdling, here it is the link  Confessions of a Reluctant Health Nut

Do take some time to come visit me there in the future ... hope to see you there!!


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