At long last ... what happened the next day in Anguilla

Well, I did finally track down some of my own photos that I did managed to snap before my camera and a big wave had a show-down on Rendezvous Bay ...

My internet keeps cutting out every time I try to upload ... somehow the snow storm, which was really a non-event here in Toronto, has affected some of the cable systems around my neighbourhood. Eventually, there should be more than one photo here. ;o]

So, today - Thursday, February 3, 2011 - the internet gods have smiles ever so slightly, and they have let me upload a few more photos ...

Most were taken around Meads Bay, near the Frangipani Hotel and Straw Hat Restaurant. One or two are from Upper Shoal Bay East, near Gwen's Reggae Grill ... I think ...


Nichelina & Co said…
And, I will eventually tell the story about how I got lost driving around an island that everyone said nobody ever gets lost driving around. Three hours after I set out to find Shoal Bay, I finally arrived there. Don't ask. I did get to see a lot of other beaches along the way, though.

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