New Year, New Look, but deep down inside, still the same old me!

Happy 2012!  I hope this year brings peace and abundance to us all.  2011 was an intense year for many of us.  All I can say, is I am glad it is over, and I look forward to new beginnings.  Happily for me, the end of the old year coincided with the conclusion of late-in-life journey through grad school.  I completed my final course, associated assignments, and 3 month research/policy internship mere days before Christmas.  Pheeewww!  I am glad that part of my life is over!  

DISCLAIMER:  I also want to post a disclaimer here ... the previous few posts are NOT NEW.  Before I put my blog on hold last fall, I was messing with formats - and one or two old posts jumped forward.   Today, I was once again trying to experiment with formats, and while hiding and bringing back some old posts, they got saved under today's date.  Oops!  I don't know how to fix that!!   

In the weeks to come, I will have to look at how to put things back in order.  I may even explain my ongoing ambivalence about blogging, and why I keep disappearing and coming back!  And no, it is not because I enjoy being an international woman of mystery!  

In the meantime, I am playing around with a brand-new, funky format - I hope you all enjoy it!  I find it fun, but a bit confusing. Just click on the headings on the top left, and you can browse around the whole blog in a variety of ways.  Actually kind of fun.  But, since I have about 17 months of lost income, plus tuition and a bunch of financial hits to make up for, I am off to work ... and will come back later to see what I can do about cleaning up my blogosphere mess!  

Now, if I can only figure out how to showcase my photos in a better, more artistic, balanced way!

Addendum - 12:00pm:  THE EXPERIMENT IS OVER!  I was just informed that the new "Dynmaic Views" format on Blogger is not supported by mobile devices, so I have switched back to something simpler.  God forbid one of my three or four readers should not be able to access my blogs by BB or IPhone!  So, please disregard the directions in the last paragraph, as there are no headings on the top left to click on.  So, for now, enjoy some of my old posts, and I'll keep on trying to figure out whether to switch platforms or just learn to be a better Blogger user - all for your viewing and reading pleasure!


Celeste said…
Happy New Year, my friend! Love the new look here, and looking forward to reading more.

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